(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50] PW[Nikola Mitic]PB[Chahine Koleejan]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2020-08-15]RE[W+3.50] ;B[pd] ;W[dq] ;B[dc] ;W[qp] ;B[co] ;W[de] ;B[ep] ;W[eq] ;B[fp] ;W[gq] ;B[ce] ;W[cf] ;B[cd] ;W[df] ;B[fc] ;W[ck]C[W played a 4-space extension instead of the standard 3-space extension. I wasn't familiar with this shape and how to exploit its weakness. The c11 invasion would be met with the D10 diagonal move which didn't seem like it would work out for B. Katago suggests I invade at D12 immediately.] (;B[oq]C[I wasn't sure what to do about the left side so I just played in the unfinished corner.] ;W[cp] ;B[bp] ;W[bq] ;B[dp] ;W[cq] ;B[po]C[I made sure to get these exchanges in before going back to the bottom left.] ;W[qo] ;B[pn] ;W[qm]C[All three corners resulted in local positions regarded as slightly better for B by modern theory, so I was pretty satisfied so far.] ;B[ho]C[I played this knight's move looking at getting the H3 attachment while also looking at invading the left side.] ;W[pm] ;B[hq] ;W[gr]C[My stones did get stronger with these moves, so I seriously considered invading the left side at this point. I was reading out variations starting out with the C10 attachment, but I didn't think the fight would be so good for B so I gave up ont that idea. D12 would be the correct invasion.] (;B[qf]C[I just decided to play this big enclosure.] ;W[nm] ;B[mn] ;W[mm] ;B[ln]C[I was slightly surprised by these exchanges, as the R14 stone is in a perfect spot to reduce the value of W's wall.] ;W[pb] ;B[pc] ;W[ob] ;B[qb] ;W[rb] ;B[qc] ;W[lc] ;B[jc]C[My plan here was to attack the W stones and get some stones around the top/center, after which it would be easier to invade the left side.] ;W[dd] ;B[cc] ;W[le] ;B[je] ;W[qh]C[I did get the stones I wanted, so I could invade the left now, but both the B and W stones in the top right aren't settled yet so I kept playing locally.] ;B[ph]C[W is already strong on the right side, so there's little drawback to attaching to this stone and making it stronger. I wanted to make a wall and attack the top W stones.] ;W[qi] ;B[pi] ;W[pj] ;B[qg] ;W[oj] ;B[qj] ;W[rj] ;B[qk] ;W[rk]C[Nice exchanges for B to get some forcing moves later. I was pretty happy with my position here, and Katago agrees with me that B is leading. B+4.5 points, 81% winrate] ;B[mb]C[I had the choice of invading on the left or attacking the W stones. I still wasn't sure an invasion on the left would work out so I went with this option.] ;W[lb] ;B[mc] ;W[hc] ;B[md]C[W omitted the N16 move, so I played it to increase my liberties.] ;W[ld] ;B[id]C[I prevent the W stones from connecting with K18 while putting pressure on the H17 stone.] ;W[me]C[W next threatens to capture my three stones with O16, so I played the hane, but O16 would be slightly better.] (;B[ne] ;W[nf] ;B[oe] ;W[fd] ;B[jg]C[B can't capture the H17 stone, so I jumped, strengthening my stones while aiming at attack either the H17 stone or the M15 group.] ;W[lh] ;B[kh] ;W[li]C[My stones became stronger, so I can try cutting the H17 stone off.] ;B[gd] ;W[hd]C[Blocking at H15 does not work.] (;B[gc] ;W[he] ;B[ge] ;W[hf]C[I thought about pushing once more with G14 here, which would be the correct move, but I was worried about my own stones.] ;B[hh] ;W[gf] ;B[fh]C[I forced W to connect back while strengthening my stones. These moves also made it much easier to invade the left side.] ;W[gi] ;B[gh] ;W[eg] ;B[jj]C[I thought about invading now, but my stones still aren't that strong so I added a move first.] ;W[ma]C[W played this move expecting me to defend, in which case W would have the option of connecting his groups. This is however risky as it gives a chance to B to finally invade the left side.] (;B[ci]C[I seize the opportunity to invade. Katago agrees with this decision, and tells me B still has the better position.] ;W[di]LB[dh:B][dj:A]C[B has two options here. I didn't play D10 because it would give W the chance to connect underneath, but it would actually be a perfectly fine result for B, so it is the better move.] (;B[dh] ;W[eh] ;B[dj] ;W[ei] ;B[cj]TR[dh][eh]C[B did split W, but the D12-E12 exchange is not a good one.] ;W[hk] ;B[dk] ;W[ii] ;B[ih] ;W[ej] ;B[ff] ;W[fg] (;B[fe]C[A very careless two point mistake from me here, as I didn't see that I could play E16, capturing the W stone while threatening the cut.] ;W[gg] ;B[hi] ;W[ek]C[I wasn't confident about extending at D8 here, as W would have the chance to counterattack, so I played the safe move.] (;B[ik] ;W[dl] ;B[bl]C[I played this way to avoid giving W too many forcing moves. W has weaknesses of his own to worry about so the B stones are basically connected.] ;W[hl] ;B[il] ;W[cl] ;B[bk] ;W[hm] ;B[jn] ;W[hj] ;B[ij] ;W[la]C[W gets this big move while threatening to connect with J18.] ;B[rg] ;W[rh] ;B[sh] ;W[ri] ;B[dn]C[With this move my stones are connected and I threaten the cut at E8. At this point all groups on the board are basically alive. I didn't attack as well as I could have, and W made up the deficit and according to Katago the game is perfectly even.] ;W[dm] ;B[bn] ;W[iq] ;B[jq] ;W[ir] ;B[jr] ;W[pr] ;B[fm] ;W[fl] ;B[em] ;W[el] ;B[bh]C[I picked this move, but J18 is the better endgame and would give B a 4 point lead.] ;W[bg]C[This is a mistake from W and allows B to get the J18 move. Since B managed to play B12, W would have to live in a very painful way, giving B a 10 or so point lead and would basically seal the B win. ] (;B[or]C[I was very short on time here and just went for this big point, thinking it would be enough.] ;W[qa] ;B[rc] ;W[ip] ;B[be]C[Even after this move B is actually half a point ahead, but I basically consider this the losing move as playing J18 instead would give B a near 10 point lead.] ;W[ib]C[W gets to play J18, and the game is now extremely close.] ;B[jb] ;W[ja] (;B[pq]C[I missed the r3 tesuji instead of this move.] ;W[qq] ;B[qr] ;W[rr] ;B[ps] ;W[jp] ;B[kq] ;W[kp] ;B[lq] ;W[gb] ;B[fb] ;W[fa] ;B[ea] ;W[ga] ;B[ec] ;W[ap] ;B[fq] ;W[fr] ;B[rs] ;W[sr] ;B[oc] ;W[ra] ;B[nb] ;W[na] ;B[bo] ;W[lp] ;B[mq] ;W[kf] ;B[jf] ;W[of] ;B[pf] ;W[kk] ;B[kj] ;W[lj] ;B[ll] ;W[lk] ;B[kl] ;W[ml] ;B[hp] ;W[hr] ;B[qn] ;W[rn] ;B[rm] ;W[rp] ;B[sn] ;W[ro] ;B[kb] ;W[ka] ;B[ql] ;W[pl] ;B[rl] ;W[pk] ;B[si] ;W[sl]C[This was a clever sequence to get T11 and T10 in sente, although I think it only gains a point since W did get S4 in the process.] ;B[nh] ;W[nn] ;B[im] ;W[gn] ;B[sb] ;W[pp] ;B[oo] ;W[op] ;B[no] ;W[mo] ;B[np] ;W[gp] ;B[hn] ;W[fo] ;B[en] ;W[eo] ;B[do] ;W[gm] (;B[lm]C[It is necessary to add a move to prevent the center group from being captured.] ;W[bm]C[I lost a few points in this sequence. As a whole my endgame just wasn't good enough.] ;B[am] ;W[cm] ;B[bf] ;W[cg] ;B[ag] ;W[ch] ;B[bi] ;W[ki] ;B[ji] ;W[kg] ;B[jh] ;W[og] ;B[pg] ;W[ni] ;B[oh] ;W[mg] ;B[ng] ;W[mf] ;B[fi] ;W[gj] ;B[mh] ;W[mi] ;B[fj] ;W[fk] ;B[on] ;W[ed] ;B[om] ;W[ol] ;B[is] ;W[hs] ;B[js] ;W[mp] ;B[nq] ;W[jk] ;B[jl] ;W[ko] ;B[kn] ;W[sm] ;B[sj] ;W[ef] ;B[sc] ;W[oa] ;B[an] ;W[go] ;B[al] ;W[aq] ;B[sg] ;W[sk] ;B[qs] ;W[pa] ;B[in] ;W[fn] ;B[jd] ;W[ic] ;B[ie] ;W[if] ;B[ig] ;W[hg] ;B[ke] ;W[kd] ;B[kc] ;W[sa] ;B[lo] ;W[jo] ;B[io] ;W[ss] ;B[cn] ;W[ao] ;B[ee]) (;B[cm] ;W[ji] ;B[ki] ;W[jl]C[W has this tesuji.] ;B[jk] ;W[km])) (;B[qq])) (;B[ib] ;W[cg] ;B[ch] ;W[be] ;B[bd] ;W[kf] ;B[jf] ;W[gm] ;B[fi] ;W[af] ;B[ah] ;W[ag] ;B[ad] ;W[ae]C[An example sequence, B would be 10 points ahead.])) (;B[dl])) (;B[ed])) (;B[dj] ;W[cj] ;B[dh] ;W[ei] ;B[eh] ;W[bi] ;B[ch] ;W[bh])) (;B[na] ;W[la] ;B[nb] ;W[ib]C[Later W can connect with this move])) (;B[he] ;W[gc] ;B[ge] ;W[ec] ;B[fb] ;W[eb])) (;B[nd])) (;B[cj] ;W[dj] ;B[di] ;W[ei] ;B[ci] ;W[dk] ;B[eh] ;W[dh])) (;B[ci] ;W[dj] (;B[eh] ;W[dh]) (;B[di] ;W[ei] ;B[eh] ;W[dh])) (;B[dh]))