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Auckland 2018 Open

Auckland 2018 Open

Auckland 2018 Open


15 & 16 September 2018


The changes we made in last year’s tournament worked well - so we will do it again this year. But we are changing the location. This year the tournament will be at Palisander Rosewood Furniture, 694 Gt South Rd, Penrose. (About 2km south of where we held the tournament last year). Come and try it out...


Seven games

Playing Go is good - so let’s play more.

-       We will have 7 rounds with 50 minutes per player each game.

-       Having more rounds will let you have more games (good) and the extra games should all be against players of a similar skill level as you (also good).

-       If there are enough entries, we’ll have a beginner's division too.


Fisher time control - about 50 minutes each per game

We will use ‘Fisher’ time control.

-       Fisher time control gives you an initial time allocation and adds a little more time for every move you make.

-       We will start with 10 minutes and give another 20 seconds for each move. This should give each person about 50 minutes to complete a game.



There’s a good restaurant up the road. We’ll use it. After the AGM on Sunday we will go to there for lunch together.

-       This will cost an additional $25, and you can opt out if you want - but we really hope you will join us.

-       Because the organisers will be going to the lunch the playing area will be closed for that time.

-       Lunch on Saturday will be provided and we will have tea, coffee, fruit and biscuits through the day and for morning and afternoon tea.


AGM (Annual General Meeting)

We will hold the Auckland Go Club annual general meeting on Sunday before we go to lunch.


-       Choose a new committee to run the Auckland club

-       Discuss whatever needs to be discussed

-       Where and when the club should meet. (We think we will change to meet at Palisander Rosewood, 7:30pm on Wednesdays)

-       Should we charge a nightly fee?

-       If we do, what should we use the money for?

-       Other business (Anything related to the Auckland Go club that you want to talk about)


People coming to Auckland

If you are coming to Auckland for this tournament please let us know if you want somewhere to stay. There are Go players here who will be happy to look after you in their house.



I want to play!

The tournament entry cost is $25 if you have registered, or $30 if you have not.

To register fill in the form at the end of this document and email it to


For more information please contact:

Colin Grierson.                       Phone:                                      022 1656413  Email:,
                                               WeChat:                                    wxid_2v8dmjdy6q4h22

Hanping Li.                            Phone:                                      021 0339894  Email:


See you at the tournament!


Tournament conditions

The tournament will have 7 rounds. Four on Saturday and three on Sunday.

Entry cost is $20 if you pre register, $25 otherwise, plus $25 for lunch on Sunday.

-       Please pre-register - (The registration form is at the end of this document)


New Zealand rules will be used.


SOS will be used to find the tournament champion in the case of equal wins. For other positions players will be deemed to be equal.

Fisher Time control will be used with 10 minutes initial time and 20 seconds added after each move.

Lunch will be provided on Saturday.
Lunch will be at a restaurant on Sunday, or you can provide your own lunch.

-       If you are providing your own lunch be aware that you will not be able to stay in the playing venue. Because the organisers will not be there to supervise we have to have everyone leave for that period.

Tea, coffee, biscuits and fruit will be provided both days.

The Auckland Go club AGM will be held on Sunday after the first round of play.

-       If you would like to discuss anything then, please let us know now, so that we can publish it before the AGM allowing people to think about it in advance.


Saturday Sunday
09:00  -  09:30 Registration 09:30  -  11:10 Round 5
09:30  -  11:10 Round 1 11:10  - 12:00 AGM
11:10  -  11:20 Break 12:00  - 13:00 Lunch, yum char at Enjoy Inn
11:20  -  13:00 Round 2 13:00  - 14:40 Round 6
13:00  -  14:00 Lunch 14:40  - 14:50 Break
14:00  - 15:40 Round 3 14:50  - 16:30 Round 7
15:40  - 15:50 Break 16:30  - 17:00 Break (Except the organisers)
15:50  - 17:30 Round 4 17:00  - 17:30 Prizegiving


Palisander Rosewood Furniture, 694 Gt South Rd, Penrose

Parking is available at the front of the building.

Thanks to Wanxin Zhou for allowing us to use his shop for this tournament.


Please tell us a bit about yourself…

Your name:                                                                                                          _______________________

Your playing strength:                                                                                         ____

Your contact details:

- email:                                                                ___________________________________________________
- Phone numbers:                                                                                          ______________________________________
- Address:                                                                ___________________________________________________

If you are coming to Auckland:

- Do you need accommodation?                                                             ___
- When and where do you arrive?                                                                                            _____________________________________

Are you a NZ citizen?                                                                                          ___

(We need to know this when inviting people to represent NZ in international tournaments)

If you are not a NZ citizen, do you have "Permanent Residence"?                   ___

(You need at least PR to qualify for accumulating points towards representing NZ)

Do you want to be part of the New Zealand Go Society?                                  ___

There is currently no fee for this.


Do you want to receive email from the New Zealand Go Society about coming events and anything else relevant to the New Zealand Go community?                                                    ___


Please add any comments or suggestions you have regarding this tournament and Go activity in New Zealand                               



